Can You Cut MDF With A Table Saw?

Can You Cut MDF With A Table Saw?

MDF, a Medium-density fiberboard, looks similar to plywood, but it is engineered wood manufactured by compressing wood fiber and resin. MDF comes in 4- 8 sheets and ⅜ to 1 inch thick. You can cut MDF sheets with any wood-cutting tool but need special blades and techniques.

You can cut MDF with a table saw. Although there are other tools like circular, hand, and laser cutting machines, a table saw is one of the best options.

A basic table saw isn’t suitable for cutting dense materials such as MDF and drywall; you require specialized blades that are sharp and suitable for cutting MDF.

If you are interested and know more about cutting MDF with a table saw, continue reading. I have explained it step-by-step and simple. I have also explained which blade type best matches to cut MDF.

How to cut MDF with a table saw? Step-by-Step 

A table saw is a relatively easy tool to use. This tool can cut precisely rip and cross cuts.

To cut MDF, follow the step-by-step procedure, which is very easy.

Unplug the power

First, unplug your table saw’s power until you adjust the MDF against the table. The speed of the saw should be at least between 3000 to 3500 m/sec.

Use safety things

Safety comes first. Always wear safety gloves, goggles, and ear protection.

Clear surface

Clear the surface area if dust or debris is present on the table saw.

Instal blade

Now, insert a sharp carbide-tipped blade into your saw. The blade should have 50-80 teeth per each blade.

Marked the area

Mark the cutting line using woodworking tape or a pencil where you want to cut MDF.

Plugin the power

Now, when you are sure you have cleared the surface, install a blade and wear the safety gears, then plug in the saw’s power.

Push MDF for cutting.

Slowly push the MDF board on the marked line through the saw; this way, you can easily cut the MDF with a table saw.

Selecting the right blade

A blade is a very important feature of a table saw. You need to use the right blade for the task to avoid having a big problem.

While cutting, the blade will produce a high amount of dust, making the cutting process quite difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the dust to prevent the blade from becoming dull.

For MDF, you need many teeth per inch of the blade. A carbide-tipped blade is the best.

It is less favourable to chip because it has more teeth. But you need to know before choosing the right blade to cut MDF.

Blade size

Most common table saw blades have a diameter of 10 inches, but for MDF, you need to go with a smaller one because of the high-density MDF board.

Blade teeth count

The blade should have a high teeth count per inch; as cutting, the MDF will not chip. There is a lot of chance of chipping if you use low teeth per count blade.

Blade type

Blades are of different types to cut MDF effectively. Here are some of the best types of blades that I have mentioned below.

Combination blade

The combination blade comes in 32-50 teeth count and is the most common type and less refined to cut MDF. 

ATB blade

ATB blade has 50 teeth and is also best for MDF cutting.

Composite blade

Composite blade is very effective for MDF as it can perform ripping and crosscuts. It has 60 teeth count.

Crosscut blade

A crosscut blade is used to cut across the MDF. However, it produces more dust but delivers excellent results.

Safety Consideration

  • Safety is important when working on a table saw or other saw tool.
  • Wear protective gear like goggles, gloves, and a dust mask.
  • While working on the saw, unplug the power of your table saw before doing any work.
  • If you want to crosscut, then use a miter gauge
  • For rip cut, you should use the rip fence.
  • During cutting, keep the MDF board completely flat against the table. 


To cut MDF with a table saw, use an appropriate blade, like a carbide-tipped one. This type of blade is sharp and works well for MDF. It gives you smooth edges and lowers the chances of chipping while cutting.

When buying a blade, consider its size, teeth, and the specific type you need.

Use appropriate safety gear to ensure a safe cutting experience and focus on staying safe rather than just the task. Be careful when cutting MDF to avoid accidents. Also, use a vacuum removal system to keep your workspace clean; there will be a lower chance of getting hurt while cutting.


1. Does MDF damage saw blades?

Cutting MDF can make saw blades wear out faster because MDF is rough on them. It’s a good idea to keep special blades sharp to make them stay good for longer when cutting MDF.

2. Why is MDF hard to cut?

MDF is made of small pieces of wood that are compressed strongly and difficult to cut. It would help if you had special blades to cut MDF.

3. Where should you not use MDF?

MDF is unsuitable for areas with high humidity or where it might get wet. Avoid using MDF in bathrooms, kitchens, or outdoor spaces where it could be exposed to moisture, as it can absorb water and lose its strength and shape.

4. How do you cut MDF straight by hand?

Start by marking the cutting line on the wood. Then, secure the wood in place and move the saw blade by pushing it against the edges of the marked line.