How To Change Blade On Ryobi Scroll Saw? 7 Expert Steps

Do you knoe how To Change Blade On Ryobi Scroll Saw?

Ryobi scroll saw can be used on a variety of materials. Its speed setting and cast iron base allow you a vibration-free cut. Ryobi Scroll Saw is available in a wide range of different styles and sizes. You can use every specific blade for a particular purpose and change your blade for a specific project. Do you know how to change the blade on Blade On Ryobi Scroll Saw?

Changing your Ryobi Scroll saw blade is swift and easy. No tools are needed for this work, and it is completed in just a few minutes. This article will guide you on changing the blade on a Ryobi scroll saw.

Need To Know Terminology And Parts:

Before changing the Ryobi scroll saw blade, you must know its parts to use it properly. Scroll saw parts are defined below:

Upper Arm

The upper arm has the upper blade mount fastened to the forward end of the arm. Many saws have the on/off switch and variable speed control on the upper arm.

Lower Arm

It is located beneath the worktable assembly. The lower arm is the driving arm of the Saw, attached motor, causing the blade to move up and down. The fore end of the lower arm is attached to the lower blade clamps mount.

Blade Tension Device:

Tension is a device that keeps the cut straight and true. An improperly blade tension will wander, vibrate and damage sooner than the normal one. The type of tensioned device and location will vary from one scroll saw model to another.

Table Insert:

Many scroll saws have larger openings in the worktable that are necessary for the blade to operate. A table insert comes with a saw and is filled in this opening to make the work surface support the materials as close to the blade as possible.

Blade Clamps:

The blade clamps are the physical connectors that hold the blade securely to the saw arm. On some saws, the blade clamps are removable after being attached to the edge, snapback holder of the upper and lower saw arm assemblies. While in some cases, the blade clamps are fixed to the bodies.

Styles of Blades:

Scroll saw blades are available in a variety of different sizes and types. These blades are made of high carbon steel, with a maximum cutting capacity. Each of them is designed for specific purposes. Here we’ll discuss two significant styles of Scroll saw blades.

Pinned Blades:

Pinned blades have a small circular pin fitted at the crossway through the top portion of the blade and at a right angle to the cutting edge. These pins fit on a clamp holding the blade into a groove.

Pinless Blades:

Pin-less blades have smooth ends and slip into a blade clamp tightened with a wrench. The adapter is the screw type of blade clamp fitted on the pinned blade and effectively turns the pinned blade to a pin-less edge.

How To Change Blade On Ryobi Scroll Saw:

Steps for ryobi scroll saw blade change are as:

Putt of the Saw: 

Set the Saw steady on a table so it is leveled and doesn’t move. Ensure the Saw is turned off before you start changing the blade. By doing this, you won’t get injured, and the machine won’t damage.

Remove the dust blower:

Dust blower keeps your working area clean, so it needs to be removed. You will find it on the side of the Saw and prop it.

Loosen the screw:

There are screws on the Saw that holds the blade. Loosen the screws so that you can remove the old blade. 

Remove the blade:

Put the old blade aside and do it very carefully. Although the blade is old, it is sharp enough to injure you. Hold onto the nut at the end of the blade. You will put it after the new blade for tightening.

Install the new blade:

Slide the new blade into place and tighten the screw. Ensure the teeth point in the right direction, then reattach the dust blower.

Turn on the Saw: 

Once you have successfully changed the new blade, could you turn on the Saw and test it? If everything looks good, you can scroll the Saw again with a new blade.

Don’t get in a hurry:

We all are guilty of cutting corners and saving time. In the end, cutting corners may save us a few seconds. While on the other hand, the damage to our material is more.


In conclusion, how to change the blade On the Ryobi Scroll Saw? It is a very quick and easy process, no power tools are needed to do that work. You must follow all the mentioned steps to get the best results. This process is straightforward and complete in just a few minutes. Remember the blade styles, either pin-end or pin-less. Before changing the blade, understand the Ryobi Scroll Saw essential parts and terminology. 


How Do I Identify A Scroll Saw Blade?

Knowing the Scroll Saw Blade is very important. The Scroll Saw Blade sizes range from #12 to #2/0 or 3/0. As the blade number increases, the blade will be thicker, wider, and have fewer teeth per inch on the table.

Are Scroll Saw Blades Universal?

Blades for plain-ended spiral scroll saws are made of high carbon steel. They have a 0.041 inches kerf and 36 TPI and are universal number 4. Scroll Saw blades could cut in all directions and are great for 0° radius scroll or fretwork.

How Often Should I Change My Scroll Saw Blade?

Scroll Saws survive at moderate speed for 15-45 minutes of continuous working on most wood types. A limited life span is caused by thick or hardwood, high working speed, or blade tension problems.