How to Cut 45 Degree Angle With Table Saw? 6 Easy Steps

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Woodworking tasks need special attention, proper cutting skills, and special tools to cut precise angles, and a 45-degree angle is one of the most common cuts in such projects. A table saw can prove versatile equipment to complete such jobs, but only when you know the process. 

Then how to cut 45 degree angle with table saw? Cutting an acute angle with any table saw needs learning the miter gauge setting process, saw blade adjustments, inspecting the wood, and making the angle cuts. But it’s more challenging than it sounds and may prove challenging or damaging with a lack of understanding. 

Material and Tools to Cut 45-Degree cuts

Ensure that you have all these before moving on; 

  • A well in shape table saw 
  • Miter gauge 
  • Table saw blade 
  • Saw blade angle measuring tools 
  • Rip fence 
  • Saw blade guard 
  • Essential safety gear 

How to Cut 45 Degree Angle With Table Saw? – Steps to Follow.

Once you are sure that you have all the required tools and materials near you, the know-how of the basic math rules plus these steps will help you cut 45-degree angles with a table saw precisely; 

1. Adjust the Miter Gauge

The first move on your journey towards cutting a 45-degree angle with a table saw is to adjust the miter gauge settings to match your project. Most miter saws come with miter gauges that let you make angled cuts accurately with a little setting. Just tilt the gauge to adjust the angle by loosening the locking knob. Tighten the locking knob back to a place once the angle is set. 

2. Adjust the Table Saw Blade Angle 

Now you’ll have to adjust the saw blade angle to match the recently adjust miter gauge angle. It is simple and will need loosening the bevel cut lock knob and adjusting the saw blade angle by tilting it. Ensure you have tightened the bevel-cut lock knob to the original settings after the blade set.

3. Prepare the Wood to Be Cut 

It’s time to measure and mark the angles on the wood piece to be cut, and an angle measuring tool or a simple protractor will assist you with it. Use a pencil to mark the measured angles on the wood piece after the angle measurement.

4. Make Some Test Angled Cut 

It’s a wise practice to use some scrap wood pieces to make the test angle cuts before cutting wood to be used in the project. So, make some test angle cuts and adjust the rip fence, saw blade guard, and miter gauge per your needs. 

5. Make the Final Cuts 

Finally, you’re ready to make the final cuts after setting up the miter gauge; table saw blade, and other things. Ture your table saw on, let it come to a steady speed, take it near the marked wood, and push it to guide through the pencil marks. Ensure you have clamped the wood to the saw table; using a push stick will prevent any accidental injury. Make all the straight cuts in the same way!

6. Follow the Safety Instructions 

Safety should be your top priority, as nothing comes before life. So, try using all the essential safety gear like eyeglasses, dust masks, earplugs, and hand gloves. Also, use the table saw blade guard and keep your hands as away from the saw blade as possible. 

Tips to Cut a 45 Degree Angle With a Table Saw Precisely 

Cutting 45-degree angles with table saws accurately each time demands mastering some skills to use the tools. Here are some tips that will help you out in such professional projects;

  • Always take the help of a miter gauge on your table saw while cutting a 45-degree with it. It will help in aligning the table saw blade and cutting angles.
  • Only proceed appropriately with adjusting the table saw blade angle per your cutting angle. Different models will need different instructions, and the user’s manual will assist you. 
  • Secure the long boards with the saw table’s rip fence using clamps. It will avoid mistaken cuts to make perfect cuts. 
  • Start with test cuts on the scrap wood, then move toward the final cuts. 
  • Use safety gears that will prevent unforeseen injuries or other such misfortunes. 
  • Smoothen the rough angles using sandpaper. most table saws


In conclusion, how to cut 45-degree angle with table saw? It needs arranging the essential tools, setting up the table saw blade angle and miter gauge, inspecting the wood and clamping it to the saw table, measuring the angles, and making final cuts. And use the safety gears throughout the process to make it ultra-safe and secure. Explore more how to Rip Wood Without a Table Saw.

Cutting 45-degree angles with a table saw is challenging, but it becomes pretty simple by mastering some initial cutting skills and techniques. Keep the wood board to the saw table’s rip fence for accuracy and safe cuts. 


What type of wood joint uses 45-degree cuts?

A 45-degree angle cut is commonly used in a miter joint. In this joint, two pieces of wood are cut at a 45-degree angle and joined together to form a corner with a clean and seamless appearance.

What tool is designed to make a perfect 45-degree angle?

A miter saw or a miter box is designed to make perfect 45-degree angle cuts. It has a built-in guide that helps you achieve accurate and precise angles for various woodworking projects.

How do you cut an accurate miter joint?

To cut an accurate miter joint, use a miter saw or a miter box to make precise 45-degree angle cuts on each end of the wood pieces you want to join. Ensure the angles are consistent and fit together tightly for a strong and accurate joint.