What Angle To Sharpen Chain Saw Chain? – Important Factors

What Angle To Sharpen Chain Saw Chain? - Important Factors

Like other saw machines, proper care and maintenance of the chain saw is important to keep it functional longer. One of its most crucial aspects is determining the right chain sharpening angle. So, what angle to sharpen the chain saw chain? 

For most chain saws, the correct chain sharpening angle is between 25 and 35 degrees. However, the angle may differ for some saws, like 10 degrees for carving chains and 30 degrees for ripping chains. It’s important to determine the correct sharpening angle to avoid any damage to the chainsaw. 

Here is all you should know before starting with the sharpening process of the chain saw’s chain. So, keep reading to maintain a proper angle when making your saw’s chain ready for your next wood projects!

What Angle to Sharpen Chain Saw Chain? – A Quick Overview 

Determining the perfect chainsaw sharpening angle is important to sharpen the chain perfectly for consistent results. But factors affect the sharpening angle? Here are the factors affecting the chainsaw chain sharpening angle; 

1. Angle Range 

As mentioned above, a chain saw’s right chain sharpening angle lies between 25 and 35 degrees. However, one should aim for the best file angle range depending on the type of chain saw he is using. If one succeeds in figuring out this angle, he can maintain a balance between the sharpness and durability of his chainsaw. Always file your saw chain perpendicular to the cutter to get the ultimate cutting edge. 

2. Type of Wood to Be Cut 

When sharpening the chain of your chain saw, ensure that you are sharpening according to the requirements of your project. Different woods demand a different cutting angle for perfection, so you may have to sharpen the chain saw chain from a different angle for each woodworking project. Hardwoods demand an extra sharp angle while cutting softwoods is possible with a gentle angle. 

3. Chain Type 

Remember that all chain saw chains are not built equally, so chain type also affects the sharpening angle. Mostly, a shallower sharpening angle is sufficient to sharpen a low-profile chain due to its cutting beat. In contrast, a steeper sharpening angle is good for sharpening their counterparts. 

Understanding the Chain Saw Chain Angles 

It’s necessary to learn about different sharpening angles that assist in cutting before sharpening the chain saw chain. It will help achieve peak performance and precision when working on different wood projects. 

Here are two key angles to focus on when sharpening the chain of your chain saw; 

Chain Saw Cutting Angle 

The chain saw cutting angle measures the angle between the plane of the chainsaw bar and the tooth face. Each chain saw has three further cutting angles, as listed below; 

  • The Top Angle: The top angle refers to a prominent slant easily visible when looking at the chain from above. It dictates the tooth position, and its measurement should lie between 30-35 degrees. Keeping the top angle at said value will ensure an optimal bit and swift cutting action. 
  • The Top Plate Cutting Angle: This bevel angle lies beneath the top plate and is a sweet spot to cut the wood perfectly. The recommended measurement of the top plate angle when sharpening the chain is 60 degrees. Sharpening the top angle according to recommendations will guarantee razor-sharp edges and great precision. 
  • The Side Angle: The side angle is a gentle arc on the tooth plate, which is easily evident when looking at the chain from the side. Keep the file at 85 degrees or less when sharpening the side angle to enhance cutting efficiency and lower the chipping. 

Chain Saw Depth Gauge Setting 

The depth gauge is another important component of the cutting tooth or chain. It governs each cut’s depth and guides for filing the chain at a perfect height. The ideal chain saw depth gauge setting ranges between 0.025 inches to 0.050 inches (0.64mm to 1.27mm) below the top of the cutter tooth. 

Flat chainsaw files ensure accurate depth gauges, so consider deploying such a sharpening tool. The elevated depth gauge setting is perfect for deep cuts, while an overly low setting of this angle will result in skim-cutting surfaces. Poor depth gauge settings also result in frequent kickbacks and possible injuries, so pay attention to this setting when sharpening your chain saw chain. 

Why is Maintaining a Consistent Sharpening Angle Important? 

Maintaining the correct angle when sharpening a chainsaw is crucial to keep your chainsaw in service for a long time. It helps in taking your cutting experience from a mediocre to an exceptional level with great precision. 

Here are the key benefits of upholding a consistent angle when sharpening the chain saw chain; 

  • Prolonged Lifespan of Chain 

When you sharpen your chain saw chain with a proper angle, it will increase the age of each tooth. So, you don’t need to invest in a new chain for a prolonged time. 

  • Improved Cutting Performance 

Poorly angled chain saw teeth will result in wavy and inconsistent cuts. However, properly aligned chain teeth will cut the wood finely without ripping. So, you can make more refined cuts using a properly sharpened chain saw chain. 

  • Lower Kickbacks

One of the primary drawbacks of poorly sharpened and dull chain saws chain is frequent kickbacks. But sharpening the chain with a proper angle will make the cutting experience smooth by lowering the kickbacks. So, the chances of injuries will also diminish this way. 


In conclusion, what angle to sharpen chain saw chain? Twenty-five to 35 degrees is the perfect angle limit to sharpen a chainsaw chain. However, it’s not a fixed measurement, as some chain types require a different angle for perfect sharpening. But most chains saw chains need the above-said angle for smooth sharpening. 

Maintaining the proper angle when sharpening your chain saw chain is very important, as it lowers the injury risks, helps in smooth cuts, and improves the service age of the chain. But learning different angles of chain saw chain (as discussed above) is very important to avail all these advantages. Hopefully, this guide will assist you in upholding the fine sharpening angle for your chainsaw. Enjoy your woodworking sessions!


What Is The Tilt Angle On A Chainsaw Sharpener?

The tilt angle on most of the chain saw sharpener is 0 degrees, but it may be up to 10 degrees. When using an electric chainsaw sharpener, the two angles play a vital role, i.e., tilt angle and top plate angle, which generally range between 15 degrees to 35 degrees. 

What Angle Is Ripping Chains Sharpened At?

The sharpening or top plate angle for the ripping chains lies between 10 degrees to 15 degrees. The tilt angle for this kind of job is 10 degrees, so tilt the round file at this angle. 

What Is The Angle Of A Full Chisel Chain?

The perfect sharpening angle for a full chisel chain is 10 degrees. So, tilt the file 10 degrees downward when sharpening such a chain. Also, don’t confuse them with the most common measurement, i.e., 25 to 35 degrees.